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Mohammed’s Koran (Banned Edition)

Tommy Robinson Enemy Of The State

Tommy Robinson Silenced

Frequently Asked Questions

Urban Scoop: A Fresh UK Platform Championing Journalists from Every Walk of Life for Genuine, Unbiased, and Corporate-Free Content.

Urban Scoop
Welcome to Urban Scoop

The Truth Beyond Mainstream Media

Urban Scoop is a brand new platform that gives opportunities to journalists of all s, no matter their political, cultural or religious backgrounds. We just want good, honest, corporate free content that provides a real alternative to mainstream media.

– The Urban Scoop Team

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

These 10 FAQs are designed to be informative and helpful, reflecting the ethos of our news platform while addressing common queries from our audience.

Our mission is to deliver unbiased, accurate, and impactful news stories that matter most to our audience. We are dedicated to upholding the highest journalistic standards, fostering community engagement, and promoting informed citizenship.

We adhere to strict journalistic ethics and practices, including thorough research, fact-checking, and sourcing from reliable information. Our editorial team rigorously reviews all content before publication to ensure accuracy and fairness.

Yes, we welcome news tips and story suggestions from our readers. You can submit your tips through our website's contact form or email us directly. Our editorial team reviews all submissions, but please note that not all tips may lead to a published story.

Currently we do not offer subscriptions or memberships as all our content is free on our website and other channels. We do ask that you support us so that we can continue the work we do.

We do not currently accept advertising opportunities. If you would like to discuss sponsorship, you can contact us via email at enquiries@urbanscoop.news.

We are committed to accuracy and transparency. If we make an error, we will correct it promptly and clearly. Readers can report potential inaccuracies via our contact form or by emailing us at enquiries@urbanscoop.news.

We approach sensitive and controversial topics with care, responsibility, and a commitment to providing context and multiple viewpoints. Our goal is to inform, not sensationalize, respecting the impact of our reporting on individuals and communities.

We are always on the lookout for talented individuals passionate about journalism and storytelling. For current openings and information on how to apply, please email enquiries@urbanscoop.news.

We engage with our community through various channels, including public forums, social media, and collaborative projects. We also host events and initiatives that encourage dialogue and understanding on important issues.

For media inquiries or information about partnership opportunities, please contact our team. Contact details can be found on our website's contact page.

Urban Scoop

Urban Scoop: A Fresh Platform Championing Journalists from Every Walk of Life for Genuine, Unbiased, and Corporate-Free Content

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