Punishing The Truth – Transgender Ideologues – Subverting Justice

Punishing The Truth – Transgender Ideologues – Subverting Justice


On Monday 11 September 2023, there was a sentencing hearing at Westminster Magistrates Court, one that should concern every single person in our supposedly “Free Speech Nation”.

The court hearing concerned was about an event held on 11 February 2023 at The Tate, in Millbank, central London, it hosted Drag Queen Story Hour UK, with stories being read to children by Aida H Dee, who is described on the gallery’s website as:

“The first drag artist in Europe to read stories to children in a nursery”.

This is obviously an enormously emotive issue and one which everyone will have their own opinion on, which brings us to Mr Lance O’Connor. Lance was outside The Tate on the 11 February 2023 to air his concerns at what he believed to be an inappropriate show for children, essentially calling this a child safeguarding issue.

In Lances’ words he was there protesting against “men dressed up as women reading stories to little kids” with his main concern being that drag queen Aida H Dee had really strong links to a convicted child rapist, who died in January 2023, and had even set up a GoFundMe to pay costs towards his funeral.

Offended At Everything – Ashamed Of Nothing

Lance was arrested on that day for basically stating those facts to an employee of The Tate who subsequently dragged him through the courts for ‘hurt feelings’, it has transpired the offended Tate employee is indeed himself a drag artist.

Lance attended court on the 7 August 2023 and was found guilty of one count of using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to cause harassment, alarm or distress, towards gallery operations manager, Matthew Rowan.

The above video documented Lances’ sentencing hearing, which he refused to attend. The judge has issued a warrant for his arrest which could happen at any time.

So, in our great wonderful county which has always been the bastion of free speech, it would appear the right to freedom of speech has disappeared, usurped by those offended at everything, but ashamed of nothing. If you dare utter words calling out legitimate safeguarding issues, and want to protect children, which may offend highly protected transgender ideologues, then expect the British ‘justice’ system to pursue you.


Notable links for you to click on below:


Footage of protestDrag Queen Story Time protests: ‘Sexualisation of children’ vs ‘Nazi groups’ – YouTube

Protesters clash over Tate Britain’s Drag Queen Story Hour in London – Buy, Sell or Upload Video Content with Newsflare



Gallery Pop Up: Drag Queen Story Hour UK | Tate Britain

The strange reaction to the death of a child rapist drag queen | The Spectator

Man convicted after ‘aggressive’ protest against Tate Britain drag queen story-telling session | UK News | Sky News


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